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KPI Summary

Compare KPI results against target or prior periods and drill down into any KPI for more detail

Updated over 2 weeks ago

This feature is included with Fathom Pro - the plan with access to all of Fathom's features. Companies on Portfolio can be upgraded to Fathom Pro at any time.

What is the KPI Summary?

This tool shows a summary of the results for each of your active KPIs (both financial and non-financial). The KPIs shown here are selected in ‘KPIs’ in company settings.

A red alert symbol at the top of the tool will indicate if a KPI has hit an alert threshold (defined in 'Alerts' in the company settings).

The KPI Summary is accessible from the left sidebar in the Analysis tools by selecting the 'KPI Summary' icon.

KPI Drilldown

To find out more detail about a KPI and its performance, simply click on the KPI. Additional information will populate, including commentary about the KPI, an explanation of how the KPI is calculated, a summary trend chart, and other key numbers.

💡Smart Tip: If you click on a KPI in the KPI Summary and then select ‘expand formula’ in the menu that opens, you can view the exact values used to calculate the KPI results.

Customise the KPI Summary

You're able to customise the results displaying in the KPI Summary tool by,

Add or remove KPIs

Only active KPIs are shown in the KPI Summary tool. Therefore, to add or remove KPIs in the tool, you must go to ‘KPIs’ in the company’s Settings. In the Settings, you can view active or all KPIs. Any KPIs with a green check next to them will be active and appear in the tool.

Change the period or date range

In the top right corner of the KPI Summary, you’re able to change the period and date range displayed in the tool. The first bolded smart text option allows you to switch between viewing monthly, quarterly, or yearly results.

The second bolded smart text option enables you to choose which month, quarter, or year’s results you are viewing.

If you imported data through the current month in ‘Update Data’, then you can also view results for month-to-date (MTD), quarter-to-date (QTD) or year-to-date (YTD) periods, and select the ending month for these periods.

Filter to view on track or off track KPIs

By default, the KPI Summary displays the results for all active KPIs. You can filter the analysis to focus only on 'off track' or 'on track' KPIs.

Compare KPIs to target or prior periods

KPIs can be compared against target, prior period results, or same period last year.

Filter by importance or benchmark group

If the company is part of a benchmark group, then the median result for this metric will be displayed along with the percentile in which the company sits. You can use the bolded smart text option to display the KPI importance instead.

If a company is not part of a benchmark group, then the KPIs level of importance will show in this column.

The level of importance for a KPI can be defined or changed in 'KPIs' in the company's Settings.

Download a PDF of the KPI Summary

You can download the KPI Summary to PDF from the left sidebar. The download option is located in the bottom left corner.

The KPI Summary can also be added to custom Fathom reports and downloaded as a PDF. You'll find the KPI Summary as an option in the 'Layouts' section of the Report Editor.

💡Smart Tip: You have the option to include a 'Basis of Preparation' or disclaimer statement as a page in PDF downloads. You can add or remove this statement in PDFs and customise the statement. Learn more in our 'Basis of Preparation statement' article.

Next steps

Learn about the next Analysis tools available for additional insights into company or group performance. Or learn about the other areas of Fathom and share your discoveries with others.

What you want to do:

Where to go:

View the KPI results in a more focused, wheel format

Determine the potential future profitability of the company

Invite others into your Fathom account to share insights

Create reports for your company

Begin forecasting in Fathom

Learn more

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