🎉 Beta Feature: Portfolio plans are a beta feature available to subscribers. See our 'Beta Features' article to learn how to turn beta features on & off.
If you have any feedback on this beta feature, please reach out to support@fathomhq.com.
Change a company's plan type
The plan type of a company determines the features that can be accessed for that company. You can have some companies on a Fathom Pro plan (access to all features) and some companies on a Portfolio plan (access to portfolio-level features).
When importing a company, you choose its plan type. The plan type for a company can be changed at any time after import. Admin-level and Advisor/Editor-level users can change a company’s plan type.
You can learn more about the plan types and features from our 'Fathom Pro v Portfolio' article.
Upgrade to Fathom Pro
To upgrade a company from Portfolio to Fathom Pro:
Upgrading a company to Fathom Pro may or may not impact your Fathom subscription, depending on your plan(s), tier-level(s), and the number of Fathom Pro companies in your Fathom organisation.
Move a company to Portfolio
❗ Notice: When moving a company from Fathom Pro to Portfolio, you will lose:
Headings & subheadings in the Chart of Accounts
Custom KPIs, targets, and alerts
Pro reports, custom templates, and report schedules
All forecast data
Financial data prior to the most recent 36 months
Divisional data, if imported
Budget data, if imported
To downgrade a company from Fathom Pro to Portfolio:
Moving a company to Portfolio may or may not impact your Fathom subscription, depending on your plan(s), tier-level(s), and the number of Fathom Pro companies in your Fathom organisation.
Learn more