Bring in a budget from Xero
You can import a budget from Xero into Fathom anytime for your Xero company. If you do not have a budget in Xero you want to use, you also have the option to import a budget from Excel or save your forecast as your budget.
Tracking category budgets
If you have imported tracking categories into Fathom, you can import a budget for each tracking category. The tracking categories must be imported before you can import the tracking category budget data.
Add a budget from Xero
You can import a budget from Xero at any time. To do this:
Import tracking category budgets
Use an overall company budget
In Xero, the tracking category budgets do not communicate with overall company budgets; therefore, the tracking category budgets do not inherently roll up to equal the overall budget.
When you select an overall company budget for the budget totals, Fathom will calculate the difference between the overall budget and the sum of the tracking category budgets. This difference will appear as unclassified budget data in Fathom so that the total budget matches the sum of the underlying budgets.
Unclassified Budget Values = Company Total Budget - Sum of Tracking Category Budgets
Sum the tracking category budgets
When you select to calculate the company's total budget from the sum of the tracking category budgets, you may have budget data in Xero that is not assigned to a tracking category budget. Fathom enables you to import an additional budget to bring in unassigned or unclassified data. The company's total budget will be calculated as the sum of the tracking category budgets, including the unclassified budget.
Unclassified Budget Values = Imported Unclassified Budget
Importing an additional unclassified budget is optional. You may sum up the tracking category budgets without importing an unclassified budget.
📝 Note: You may import up to two types of tracking categories into Fathom. You will choose one type to calculate the total budget. For example, if you've imported Regions and Products as two types of tracking categories, you can choose to calculate the total budget as the sum of the Regions or as the sum of the Products.
Add a budget from other sources
If you want to import a budget from outside of Xero, you can import a budget into Fathom via Excel.
Please look at our 'Importing a budget from Excel' article for more detail.
📝Note: Tracking category budget data cannot be imported via Excel unless the tracking categories have been imported into Fathom as standalone entities.
Save the forecast as the budget
You can save the forecast you create in Fathom as your company's budget. You can completely replace your current budget with the company's forecast or only partially replace your current budget.
Please look at our 'Saving your forecast as your company's budget' article for more detail.
📝 Note: It is not possible to save the forecast as the budget for the company if budget data for tracking categories have been imported. You must remove the tracking category budgets before you can save the forecast as the budget for the company.
Manage & update your Xero budget
Update the budget from Xero
You can update your budget data in Fathom at any time. To update the budget from Xero:
Change the budget or how it is calculated
If you want to change the imported Xero budget:
To change the tracking category budgets you've imported,
Remove the Xero budget
❗ Notice: Removing your imported budget will remove all budget periods. Budget values from previous reports will be removed, and target values linked to the budget will be reset.
To remove your imported Xero budget:
Next Steps
Congratulations on importing your budget into Fathom! Continue the 'Getting Started Workflow' and finish setting up your company for analysis, reporting, and forecasting by choosing from the options below:
What you want to do: | Next step in the process: |
Ready to set up your company profile and import your company logo into Fathom? | |
Happy with your company profile and want to check and customise your Chart of Accounts? | |
Happy with your Chart of Accounts and ready to set up KPIs to track your company's performance? |
Learn more