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Import a division as a standalone entity

Analyse, forecast, and compare classes, locations, & tracking categories

Updated this week

Add divisions as standalone entities to Fathom

It is possible to analyse a single division (class, department, location, tracking category, job, or cost centre) as a standalone entity. Importing divisions as standalone entities enables you to:

The following functionalities are only available when standalone divisions are imported onto a Fathom Pro plan:

  • Forecast for divisions

    • Importing a division as a standalone entity allows you to build a forecast for a division. Each standalone division’s forecast functions similarly to a regular company’s forecast in Fathom. You can then consolidate the divisional forecasts to create an overall company forecast.

  • Create Pro Reports for divisions

  • Benchmark divisions

    • You can create a benchmark group of your divisions if they are imported as standalone entities, enabling you to better compare how divisions are performing against one another.

  • Consolidate divisions

    • Because the standalone divisions will be treated like individual companies, you can consolidate divisions. The divisional results will appear in the 'Financials by Company' tables in a consolidated group. You can also filter Financials tables to display divisional results in a consolidated report.

  • Have custom terminology for specific divisions

    • Because each standalone division is treated as its own company, you can apply specific terminology to each division. For example, if you have a division for a specific industry, such as a nonprofit division, you can apply nonprofit terminology to that division. The terminology for the standalone division does not need to match the parent company's terminology.

📝 Note: Each standalone division has the functionalities of a single company and is considered a company in Fathom for billing purposes. Contact our Support Team at if you want to discuss billing options for standalone divisions.

If a division has been imported as a standalone entity on a Fathom Pro plan, you can import a budget for the division from QuickBooks Online, Xero, or Excel (for standalones from MYOB AccountRight Live).

Notice: Only Xero, QuickBooks Online, and MYOB AccountRight Live companies can import divisions as standalone entities into Fathom directly from the source accounting system. If you're not using one of these accounting systems, you can also import standalones as individual Excel companies.

Import a division as a standalone company

You must first import the parent company onto a Fathom Pro plan to import a division as a standalone entity. Then:

  1. On the 'My Companies' page, select the green Add button in the upper right corner

  2. Choose Company

  3. Select either Xero, QuickBooks, or MYOB, depending on the parent company

  4. Select the import a single division option

  5. Choose to import the standalones onto a Fathom Pro or Portfolio plan

  6. Select an existing company you have imported into Fathom that you want to import the standalone divisions from

  7. Select division(s) from that company and click Next

  8. You can continue using Fathom while the divisions import or import more companies

The selected division will now be visible as a company on the 'My Companies' page in Fathom.

QuickBooks Online standalones with class and location hierarchy

If you are importing parent and child divisions as standalone entities, the standalone parent divisions will include the child and parent amounts.

Example: A plant nursery has a 'Flowers' parent class. The child class amounts under the parent class will roll up into the parent class for the standalone parent class entity. If the child classes are imported as standalone entities, they will reflect the child class amounts in QuickBooks.

See table below.


QuickBooks Online

Fathom Standalone













*The parent class has data allocated to it in QuickBooks

**The parent class imported as a standalone in Fathom includes the parent class amounts, and the child class amounts imported from QuickBooks

If you are importing divisions as standalone entities and planning on consolidating the standalones, we recommend importing only the child divisions (If amounts are not assigned to the parent divisions in QuickBooks) or only the parent divisions as standalone entities. This will prevent double-counting when consolidating the standalone entities.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will this affect billing?

Yes. Please note that each division imported as a standalone company will have access to additional functionalities. Therefore, each standalone division is treated as a separate entity for billing purposes.

If you have questions or concerns about billing for standalone entities, please contact us at

Can I import a budget for a standalone entity?

Yes, if the standalone division is imported onto a Fathom Pro plan. You can view the Adding Budgets for Divisions help article for more detailed information on this process.

Can I create a forecast for a standalone division?

Yes, if the standalone division is imported onto a Fathom Pro plan. Fathom enables you to create a forecast for standalone divisions like any other Fathom Pro company. You can then create a consolidated group out of the standalone divisions and use a consolidated forecast to forecast at the parent company level. For more detailed information on this process, view the following help articles:

Can I import another division from within a standalone entity?

No. Fathom does not allow you to nest divisions within standalone entities. Each division must be imported as an individual entity.

Next Steps

Congratulations on adding your division as a standalone entity to Fathom! Finish setting up your standalone division for analysis, reporting, and forecasting:

What you want to do:

Next step in the process:

Import a budget for your standalone entities

Set up the Company Profile for your standalone entities

Benchmark your standalone divisions to better analyse and report on how divisions perform against one another

Create a forecast for each standalone division as you would for a regular single entity in Fathom

Report on each standalone entity

View your standalone divisions on the Insights Dashboard

Consolidate standalone divisions from multiple companies to combine them into one entity

Learn more

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