Add a company to Fathom from MYOB AccountRight
To import data from MYOB AccountRight, you will need to download and install the Fathom Desktop Connector. After installation, you can upload data from your MYOB files into Fathom.
You can import a maximum of 3000 accounts and 96 months (8 years) of financial data into Fathom, though we recommend importing up to 60 months (5 years) for best performance.
📝 Note: MYOB AccountRight companies will be automatically imported onto a Fathom Pro plan and cannot be downgraded to a Portfolio plan. MYOB AccountRight companies can access Fathom Pro features, like the Analysis tools, Reports, Forecast, and Insights Dashboard.
Which versions of MYOB AccountRight (Desktop) does Fathom integrate with?
The Fathom Desktop Connector will work with the three most recent versions of MYOB AccountRight (AU & NZ). We suggest using Excel to import your data when we do not integrate directly.
Install the Fathom Desktop Connector
Download and install the Desktop Connector to import data from a MYOB file (.myo or .myox). After installation, you can extract and upload data from your MYOB files. For system requirements and other information, please see our article on the Fathom Desktop Connector.
To install the Fathom Desktop Connector:
⚠️ Error Alert: Is the Fathom Desktop Connector not working? Please see our Desktop Connector issues article.
Connect Fathom to your MYOB AccountRight file
After launching the Desktop Connector, follow these steps to import your company data into Fathom:
The connector will securely extract the financial statement data for all periods within the MYOB file. This includes data for the prior, current, and future financial years.
After the file is uploaded to Fathom, you’ll be prompted with a message that will take you to your ‘My Companies’ page in Fathom. You should see the company listed on the ‘My Companies’ page, where you can access the settings, analysis, reports, and forecasting tools.
⚠️ Error Alert: Trying to connect your MYOB AccountRight company to Fathom and receiving an error? Please see our MYOB connection issues article.
Update your MYOB AccountRight company in Fathom
To update your financials from MYOB AccountRight, you’ll need to use the Fathom Desktop Connector to re-import the MYOB AccountRight file.
Next steps
Congratulations on connecting your MYOB AccountRight company to Fathom! Finish setting up your company for analysis, reporting, and forecasting by continuing in the 'Getting Started Workflow'. Choose from the next steps below:
What you want to do: | Next step in the setup process: |
Want to import a budget for the company? You can import a budget from Excel. | |
Happy with the above and ready to begin setting up your Company Profile? |
💡Smart Tip: If you want to consolidate several companies in Fathom, we recommend importing and completing the setup process for each company before creating a consolidated group.
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