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Consolidate Divisions

Consolidate tracking categories, classes, locations, jobs, or cost centres from multiple companies in a Fathom account

Updated over a week ago

This feature is included with Fathom Pro - the plan with access to all of Fathom's features. Companies on Portfolio can be upgraded to Fathom Pro at any time.

Can you consolidate divisions in Fathom?

Fathom's consolidation features allow you to group multiple entities together, to easily view their combined performance from an overall view.

You can also use these consolidation features with your divisions if you wish to group similar divisions from different companies. Please note that this will require you to import your divisions as separate entities in Fathom.

Notice: Consolidating divisions is an advanced feature of Fathom. If you wish to proceed, each consolidated division will be billable on a monthly basis as a separate entity.

You are able to consolidate divisions where the parent companies originate from different source accounting systems.

Example: A business operates in 3 locations (single company entities), and each location is comprised of 2 divisions ('Division A - Overhead' & 'Division B - Retail'). The finance team wants to combine all of the Retail divisions into one entity or consolidated group.

Notice: Importing standalones to consolidate divisions is only available for companies imported from Xero, QuickBooks Online, and MYOB AccountRight Live. If importing via Excel, you can create an Excel import file for each division and import them as separate companies in Fathom.

How to consolidate divisions

Use the following workflow to consolidate divisions in Fathom.

  1. Import the parent companies that contain the divisions you would like to consolidate.

  2. Once the parent companies have been imported, ensure you have imported the divisions for the companies. They should be listed next to ‘Tracking’ within ‘Update Data’ in each company’s Settings.

  3. Create a consolidated group from the standalone entities

QuickBooks Online standalones with class and location hierarchy

If you are importing parent and child divisions as standalone entities, the standalone parent divisions will include the child amounts as well as the parent amounts.

Example: A plant nursery has a 'Flowers' parent class. The child class amounts under the parent class will roll up into the parent class for the standalone parent class entity. If the child classes are imported as standalone entities, they will reflect the child class amounts in QuickBooks.

See the table below.


QuickBooks Online

Fathom Standalone













*The parent class has data allocated to it in QuickBooks

**The parent class imported as a standalone in Fathom includes the parent class amounts, and the child class amounts imported from QuickBooks

If you are importing divisions as standalone entities and planning on consolidating the standalones, we recommend importing only the child divisions (If amounts are not assigned to the parent divisions in QuickBooks) or only the parent divisions as standalone entities. This will prevent double-counting when consolidating the standalone entities.

What if I have unclassified data?

If you have data that is unclassified, or not assigned to a division in your source accounting system, then you will not be able to import that data as a standalone division to consolidate. To consolidate the unclassified data, there are a few options:

  • Option A: Assign the data to a division in your source accounting system so that it is no longer unclassified or

  • Option B: Create an 'Unclassified' division in your source accounting system (e.g. create an 'Unclassified' class in QuickBooks) and assign all unclassified data to that division. You will then be able to import the 'Unclassified' division as a standalone entity into Fathom and include it in the consolidated group. Or

  • Option C: Import the unclassified data into Fathom via Excel as an Excel-based company. You will then be able to include the Excel-based company, made up of the unclassified data, in the consolidated group.

Next steps

Now that you've consolidated your standalone divisions continue setting up the consolidated group you've created by choosing from the options below.

What you want to do:

Next step in the process:

Begin setting up your Consolidated Group's Profile

Set up the consolidated Chart of Accounts

Learn more

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