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Import financials from MYOB AccountRight Live

Uploading & updating your financial data from MYOB AccountRight Live

Updated this week

Add a MYOB AccountRight Live company to Fathom

Fathom has a direct integration with MYOB AccountRight Live.

When you import a MYOB company into Fathom, your company’s Chart of Accounts will automatically be brought into Fathom. You can import a maximum of 3000 accounts.

Companies on a Portfolio plan can import up to 36 months of financial data, while companies on a Fathom Pro plan can import up to 96 months (8 years) of financial data. Learn more about Fathom’s data limits from our ‘Fathom Limits’ article.

Who can import data from MYOB AccountRight Live into Fathom?

Users with an Administrator role for a company in MYOB AccountRight Live will be able to import data into Fathom.

In Fathom, Admin-level users and users with the ‘Add a company’ Advanced User Permission can import companies into Fathom.

Which versions of MYOB AccountRight Live does Fathom connect with?

You can import financial data into Fathom from the Lite, Pro, and Plus versions of MYOB AccountRight Live.

Importing financial data from MYOB AccountRight Live

To add a company from MYOB AccountRight Live into Fathom:

  1. On the My Companies page, click Add or, if you’re importing your first company, click + Add a company

  2. Select Company

  3. Choose MYOB and click Continue

  4. Select MYOB AccountRight Live

  5. Connect to MYOB. You’ll be asked to enter your MYOB credentials to authorise the connection.

  6. You may need to enter additional credentials for Fathom to access your MYOB company file:

    1. If you have linked your company file to your my.myob account:

      1. Do not enter in a username or password, Fathom will use the my.myob credentials you supplied during the a step to access the company file

    2. If you have not linked your company file to your my.myob account:

      1. Select Use username and password to log in to this company

      2. Enter the credentials for the company file

    📝 Note: MYOB recommends linking the company file to your my.myob account. Here are instructions detailing how to do this.

  7. Choose to import onto a Fathom Pro or Portfolio plan

    💡 Smart Tip: If you’re a triallist, we recommend choosing Fathom Pro so you can try out all of Fathom’s features during your trial. You can learn more about the plan options from our ‘Fathom Pro v Portfolio’ article.

  8. Click Next

  9. Select the company or companies you wish to import and click Import

Fathom will begin to import your financial data. Once completed, you can see your MYOB company or companies listed on the 'My Companies' screen in Fathom.

What's next?

After you’ve imported your financials into Fathom, the next steps depend on the plan type you chose when importing. You’ll find setup steps for both plan types in our ‘Get Started with Fathom’ article.

Frequently Asked Questions

Company File Version

Each MYOB AccountRight file has a company file version which initially is the version of MYOB the file was created with. You can see the version by opening your library browser in AccountRight and hovering over the file name. If your AccountRight file is stored online, then MYOB requires it to be no more than three versions behind the most recent version of AccountRight.

If you encounter this issue, you will need to first ensure your AccountRight desktop client is upgraded to the latest version and then open your company file. You will be prompted to upgrade the company file.

How are 13th period adjustments reported in Fathom?

13th period adjustments will not be distinguishable from regular financial results within Fathom.

The data will be applied to the monthly results based on the transaction date of the adjustment.

For example, adjustments made in the '13th period' to April results will be visible in Fathom reports for the month of April and for that financial year.

Update your financial data from MYOB AccountRight Live

Companies on Portfolio and Fathom Pro plans can trigger a manual update of their MYOB AccountRight Live company at any time from the My Companies page.

💡 Smart Tip: You can bulk update MYOB AccountRight Live companies from the My Companies page, regardless of plan type.

Additional update options for Fathom Pro

Companies on a Fathom Pro plan can also trigger a manual update from the Company Settings and set up automatic updates. You can also import Month-to-Date data for MYOB AccountRight Live companies on a Fathom Pro plan.

To access the Company Settings and trigger a manual update or set up automatic updates:

  1. On the My Companies page, hover over the company and select the Cog/Gear icon

    1. If you have one company, the Cog/Gear icon will be just above the Forecasting block

  2. Select the Update Data option in the Company Settings

  3. Under Financials, click Update from MYOB

  4. To turn on automatic updates, check the ‘Automatically update every day’ checkbox just under the ‘Update from MYOB AccountRight Live’ button

Automatic updates will update your financials from MYOB AccountRight Live once every 24 hours. You can still trigger a manual update at any time while automatic updates are on. Learn more from our ‘Automatic Updates’ article.

💡 Smart Tip: Your financials will default to update through the most recently completed calendar month. If you want month-to-date financials imported into Fathom, then you’ll need to select this using the ‘edit’ option that appears when you turn on automatic updates.

Learn more

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