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Benchmark Divisions

Compare divisions in a company using a Benchmark Group

Updated over a week ago

Notice: Benchmarking divisions is an advanced feature of Fathom. If you wish to proceed, each benchmarked division will be billable on a monthly basis as a separate entity. Learn more from our 'Importing a division as a standalone entity' article.

Can you benchmark divisions in Fathom?

Fathom's benchmarking features are a great way to easily create your own benchmark studies using entities in your Fathom account. Typically, they are used by franchise groups to gain clarity and transparency, as well as advisors to compare similar clients for more insights.

📝 Note: Fathom does not provide access to external benchmarking data. All benchmarking data is sourced from within your own Fathom account.

You can use these benchmarking features to compare and rank your divisions in the same way. This will require you to import each division as a separate entity within Fathom.

You are able to benchmark divisions where the parent companies originate from different source accounting systems.

💡Smart Tip: Adding standalone divisions to a benchmark group is only available when standalone divisions have been imported onto a Fathom Pro plan. If you have imported standalone divisions onto a Portfolio or Fathom Pro plan, you can view them on the Insights Dashboard and compare their performance there. Learn more from our 'Importing a division as a standalone entity' article.

How to benchmark divisions

Use the following workflow to benchmark divisions in Fathom.

  1. Import the parent company or companies that contain the divisions you would like to benchmark.

  2. Once the parent company or companies have been imported, ensure you have imported the divisions for the companies. They should be listed next to ‘Tracking’ in ‘Step 1 - Update Data’ of each company’s Settings.

  3. Create a benchmark group from the standalone entities

Next steps

Now that you've benchmarked your standalone divisions, continue setting up the benchmark group you've created by choosing from the options below.

What you want to do:

Next step in the setup process:

Set up your benchmark group’s segmentation for comparing and ranking entities in the group

Already set up segmentation and ready to select KPIs?

Learn more

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