Select KPIs for comparison and ranking
In ‘KPIs’ for a benchmark group, you can specify which KPIs, or key performance indicators, you wish to include in your benchmark analysis.
For example, you may wish to exclude financial KPIs and limit the analysis to only non-financial KPIs. Or perhaps you wish to limit the KPIs reported in the benchmarking analysis and reporting to a small set of KPIs that each underlying company in the group tracks.
Simply click the '+' icon next to each KPI to include it.
Limit which roles can view all KPIs
Checking this option for Admin, Editor, or Advisor-level users enables them to view KPIs not added to the benchmark group in the Compare and Rank tools.
This ensures Client or Viewer-level users can only view the KPIs directly added to the benchmark group while providing access to additional data in the Compare and Rank for other users.
Use custom KPIs in a benchmark group
You are not able to create custom KPIs in a benchmark group. Custom KPIs must first be created at the individual company level and then added to the KPI Library. They will then be available for selection in the benchmark group.
To add a custom KPI to the KPI Library:
You’ll need to add the custom KPI to the KPI Library in at least one of the underlying companies of the benchmark group. Once the group is created, the KPI will automatically flow through all of the underlying companies and into the benchmark group.
Select the primary metric for the compare tool
In ‘KPIs’ in the group, you’re also able to choose which KPI should represent the dot size in the compare tool. The dot size allows you to always keep track of the results for the primary metric even when comparing across all other metrics in the compare tool.
Next steps
Congratulations on selecting KPIs for your benchmark group! Continue the 'Benchmark Group Creation Workflow' to finish setting up your benchmark group for analysis and additional reporting options by choosing from one of the next steps below:
What you want to do: | Next step: |
Ready to set the permissions in the benchmark group? | |
Happy with the permissions in the group and ready to set the privacy options? |
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