🎉 Beta Feature: This is a beta feature available to subscribers. See our 'Beta Features' article to learn how to turn beta features on & off.
If you have any feedback on this beta feature, please reach out to support@fathomhq.com.
Present your insights
From the Insights Dashboard, you can generate, edit, and download Summary Reports. The Summary Report editor includes ready-made pages that enable you to quickly share your findings regarding a company’s financial performance. These reports are accessible exclusively via the Insights Dashboard.
How to generate a Summary Report
Summary Reports are created on a company-by-company basis directly from the Insights Dashboard or within the Metric Drill Down.
There are three ways to generate a Summary Report:
When a Summary Report is generated from the Metric Drill Down, the report will automatically contain pages relevant to the metrics you were viewing within the Drill Down modal.
For example, if the Metric Drill Down was displaying Gross Profit and Operating Profit Margin the report would contain a Profitability page.
Select report pages
Within the Summary Report editor, you can choose the pages that will make up the body of your report.
The Summary Report pages contain a selection of pre-built charts and tables with metrics and comparatives relevant to the headings under which they are grouped.
📝 Note: The Summary Report's results will be displayed in the currency of the company you are generating a report for.
To add pages to your Summary Report:
You can also add pages by scrolling to the bottom of your report and clicking Add another page.
💡Smart Tip: You can add a summarised Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet to your report, as both are available as Summary Report pages.
If you would like to produce a detailed Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet, or Cash Flow Statement and customise the layout of these financial statements, you can do so with Pro Reports. Learn more with our Financial Statements & Tables in Reports article.
Organise your report's pages
To reorder your selected report pages:
Once you are satisfied with your Summary Report, you can click the Download button in the lower left-hand corner to download a PDF version of your report.
❗Notice: Summary Reports do not save when you exit the Summary Report editor. Therefore, you cannot re-access the same Summary Report once you leave the editor, instead you can generate a new report.
What can you customise?
The chart and table elements contained within the Summary Report pages are fixed and unalterable. The primary area of customisation for Summary Reports is the selection and ordering of pages, as seen in the section above.
There are, however, additional report options, which are detailed below. They can all be accessed by clicking the Cog/Gear icon in the bottom left-hand corner of the Summary Report editor to open the Summary Report Settings:
📝 Note: You can create Pro Reports for companies on a Fathom Pro plan. Pro Reports offer extensive customisation, templates, and additional delivery options. They are accessible from the Reporting section of a company or consolidated group. Companies on a Portfolio plan can be upgraded to Fathom Pro at any time.
For more information on Pro Reporting watch this Overview Video or visit the other articles contained within the Help Centre’s Reporting collection.
Update the report title
The Summary Report name will appear as the report title on the first page of the downloaded report PDF.
To update the Summary Report name:
Change the reporting period
When generating a Summary Report from both the Insights Dashboard and the Metric Drill Down, the reporting period will automatically match the period you were viewing results for on the Insights Dashboard.
The Summary Report can be updated to show results for either monthly, quarterly, or yearly periods. This includes quarter-to-date (QTD), and year-to-date (YTD) results.
💡Smart Tip: For companies on a Fathom Pro plan, you can also view Month-to-date (MTD) results in a Summary Report by enabling the option to import current month results.
Monthly periods are based on a standard calendar month. Quarterly and annual reporting periods are based on the financial year of the company.
The starting month of your company’s financial year in Fathom is determined by the financial year defined in your source accounting system.
To update the reporting period:
Add your organisation's logo
You can choose to display your organisation’s logo in your Summary Report. If selected, it will appear within the Summary Report editor, in the header, and on the front page of the downloaded PDF of your report.
To add your organisation’s logo to a report:
If you don’t have an organisation logo in Fathom, you can upload one within the Organisation Settings. See this article for a guide to uploading your logo to Fathom.
You can add or remove a Disclaimer Statement, also known as a Basis of Preparation, to the PDF download of your Summary Report. For more details, please see this article: Add or remove a Disclaimer Statement.
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