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Financials Analysis

Profit & Loss or Income Statement, Balance Sheet, and Cash Flow financial statements in the Analysis tools

Updated over 2 weeks ago

This feature is included with Fathom Pro - the plan with access to all of Fathom's features. Companies on Portfolio can be upgraded to Fathom Pro at any time.

What is the Financials Analysis tool?

This Analysis tool provides a summary of the company's financial statements (Profit & Loss/Income Statement, Balance Sheet, and Cash Flow Statement) in various formats.

In addition, this tool also includes variance analysis and common size analysis.

The Financials tool is accessible from the left sidebar in the Analysis tools by selecting the 'Financials/Report Statement' icon.

Use & customise the Financials tool

In Financials tool, you’re able to customise the financial statements in several ways:

💡Smart Tip: For consolidated groups and companies with divisional data (e.g. classes, locations, tracking categories, etc.) there is additional data in the Financials tool. Learn about this additional data in the 'Analysis in a Consolidated Group' and 'Using Divisions in Analysis' articles.

Choose a financial statement & layout

You are able to choose between the Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet, or Cash Flow Statement. Each of the financial statements also has different layouts available for viewing.

To choose the statement and layout,

  1. Select the bolded Profit & Loss smart text filter at the top of the statement

  2. From the drop down that opens, hover over a statement type (e.g. Balance Sheet)

  3. While hovering over the statement type, a second menu will appear where you can select the layout

You can select from the following layouts for each respective financial statement:

Statement Type

Available Layouts

Profit & Loss

  • Standard P&L


Balance Sheet

  • Traditional View: Assets = Liabilities + Equity

  • IFRS Layout: Assets - Liabilities = Equity (Current, Non-Current)

    • Current Assets listed before Non-Current Assets

  • IFRS Layout: Assets - Liabilities = Equity (Non-Current, Current)

    • Non-current Assets listed before Current Assets

  • Separation of Operations and Finance layout

Statement of Cash Flows

  • Operating / Investing / Financing layout

  • Operating / Free Cash Flow / Net Cash Flow layout

Change detail level

You can choose to display the Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet in varying levels of detail using the second smart text drop down menu at the top of the financial statement.

By default, Fathom will display summary level results. You can also choose to show more detailed results, collapsing and expanding to view results nested under headings and subheadings in your Chart of Accounts.

💡Smart Tip: For consolidated groups and companies with divisional data (e.g. classes, locations, tracking categories, etc.) there is additional data in the Financials tool. Learn about this additional data in the 'Analysis in a Consolidated Group' and 'Using Divisions in Analysis' articles.

Choose a comparative

You can compare against budget, the prior period, or the same period last year using the third bolded smart text filter at the top of the statement.

Change the period or date range

In the top right corner of the Financials tool, you’re able to change the period and date range displayed in the tool. The first bolded smart text option allows you to switch between viewing monthly, quarterly, or yearly results.

The second bolded smart text option enables you to choose which month, quarter, or year’s results you are viewing.

If you imported data through the current month in ‘Update Data’, then you can also view results for month-to-date (MTD), quarter-to-date (QTD) or year-to-date (YTD) periods, and select the ending month for these periods.

What does the common size analysis column measure?

Financial Statement

What the common size column measures

The common size analysis expresses each line item as a percentage of Total Revenue.

The common size analysis expresses each line item as a percent of either Total Assets or Total Liabilities and Equity.

This statement does not have any common size analysis.

Common size analysis is only available for the period you've selected using the period selector in the top right. It is not available for any comparative periods.

Download a PDF of the Financial Statement

You can download the current view of the Financials tool to PDF from the left sidebar. The download option is located in the bottom left corner.

💡Smart Tip: You have the option to include a 'Basis of Preparation' or disclaimer statement as a page in PDF downloads. You can add or remove this statement in PDFs and customise the statement. Learn more in our 'Basis of Preparation statement' article.

Next steps

Now that you've learned about all of the Analysis tools by following the 'Analysis Tool Workflow', you may be interested in exploring the other areas of Fathom or inviting others users into your Fathom account to share insights.

What you want to do:

Where to go:

Invite others into your Fathom account to share insights

Create reports for your company

Begin forecasting in Fathom

Ready to consolidate your companies or create a benchmark group?

Set up divisions (e.g. classes, locations, tracking categories, etc.) in your company in Fathom

Need to add another company to your Fathom account?

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