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KPI Library

KPI Library allows you to share KPIs between companies on your account and organise your KPIs

Updated over 2 weeks ago

This feature is included with Fathom Pro - the plan with access to all of Fathom's features. Companies on Portfolio can be upgraded to Fathom Pro at any time.

What is the KPI Library for?

The KPI library enables you to:

Notice: Only ‘Admin’ level users can create or edit Library KPIs. For more information on User access, see User roles and permissions.

Access the KPI Library

Admin users can access the KPI library from the Administration menu (Cog/Gear icon) in the top right of Fathom.

Add custom KPIs to the KPI library

Fathom has several default KPIs, including some non-financial KPIs, already housed in the KPI Library that you can bring into a company.

There are two ways to add custom KPIs to the KPI Library:

Notice: Only Admin-level users can add KPIs to the KPI Library.

Add a company's KPI to the KPI Library

For new custom KPIs,

  1. Go to 'KPIs' in an individual company's Settings

  2. Select 'Create a KPI'

    1. Create any Non-financial, Account watch, Formula, or Tracking KPI.

  3. Check the option to 'Add this KPI to your library'

    1. To organise your custom KPIs, you can use folders in your KPI Library.

For existing custom KPIs,

  1. Go to 'KPIs' in an individual company's Settings

  2. Hover over the KPI you want to add to the library

  3. Select 'Edit'

  4. Check the option to 'Add this KPI to your library'

    1. To organise your custom KPIs, you can use folders in your KPI Library.

  5. Update the KPI

Create a custom KPI in the KPI Library

  1. Select 'Create a KPI' in the KPI Library

  2. Choose the type of KPI you want to create

  3. Complete the steps for that KPI type

    💡Smart Tip: When creating a custom formula KPI, you have the option to filter variables by individual companies.

Use the KPI Library

Default KPIs in the KPI Library

The KPI Library already has several KPIs you can use in addition to the KPIs available in the Settings, including:

  • Customer Satisfaction

  • Absenteeism

  • Staff Turnover

  • New Customers

  • Downtime

You can always search the KPI Library to see if there are already default KPIs available before creating your custom KPIs.

💡Smart Tip: Fathom does not automatically pull in data for any default non-financial KPIs. For more information on importing non-financial KPI data, view our 'Non-financial KPIs' article.

Add a KPI from the library to a company or group

If you wish to use a custom KPI you've created with other companies, you can save it to your KPI library. 

You can then easily select a previously created KPI from the library rather than recreate it from scratch. This saves time when setting up a new company.

After you've added a KPI to the KPI Library, you can add it to another company in two ways:

Select a KPI from the library

  1. Go to 'KPIs' in the Settings for an individual company

  2. Select 'Create a KPI'

  3. Choose 'KPI Library'

  4. Select the KPI to add it to the company

💡Smart Tip: In the KPI Library, Fathom provides predefined non-financial KPIs (e.g. absenteeism, customer satisfaction, new customers, etc.). You can quickly add these non-financial KPIs to a company from the KPI Library.

Fathom does not automatically pull in data for these non-financial KPIs. For more information on how to import non-financial KPI data, view our 'Non-financial KPIs' article.

Copy KPIs from one company to another

You can copy the KPI setup if you want to use all of the custom KPIs from one company in another.

To learn more about copying company settings, including KPIs, please see 'Can I copy settings between companies or groups?'.

Use custom KPIs in consolidated or benchmark groups

Custom KPIs must be saved to the KPI library for your consolidated and benchmark groups.

A Library KPI must be added to the underlying companies to flow to the group. Please see the following articles for more information:

📝 Note: Custom KPIs cannot be viewed on the Insights Dashboard. Instead, there is a select list of KPI metrics to choose from. If you want to see a KPI on the dashboard, please let us know at:

Organise your KPIs

Accessing the KPI Library from the Administration menu gives you additional options for organising your custom KPIs.

The 'Search' option at the top of the KPI Library lets you quickly sort your KPIs. You can filter the search results by KPI type and if the KPI is actively used in companies.

Hover over KPIs to select them (you can select up to 50 at a time). A menu at the top will allow you to:


Create a copy of the selected KPI(s).

Account Watch and Divisional KPIs cannot be duplicated.

Move to

Move the selected KPI(s) to another folder.

You can create a new folder by selecting the 'Create folder' option at the bottom of the left-side menu.

Re-name a folder by hovering over it and selecting the 'Three dots' icon.


Delete the selected KPI(s).

If the selected KPI(s) are referenced as variables in another custom KPI, then they cannot be deleted.

See which companies are using a KPI

To see which companies are using a KPI,

  1. Hover over the number in the 'Used by # companies' column for a KPI

  2. Hover over the '?' that appears

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