Determine privacy levels in a benchmark group
Company names on the benchmarking analysis tools can either be hidden or shown. By hiding the company names, the benchmarking tools can be used to compare performance against related businesses without revealing the identity of the other businesses.
Reveal or hide company names
When 'Reveal company names' is selected in ‘Privacy’ for a benchmark group, then all companies in the group will appear as named for all users with access to the Benchmark Group. For example:
When 'Hide company names' is selected, companies will appear anonymously. If a user has shared access to a company, then that company will appear as named (i.e see "Studio Designs" below). For example:
Next steps
Congratulations on setting up your benchmark group! Any decisions you made while setting up your benchmark group can be changed at any time by going to the applicable step in the group’s Settings. You’re now ready to begin analysis in your benchmark group and to access the additional reporting options. Choose one of the options below to begin benchmarking:
What you want to do: | Next step in setup process: |
Learn about the Compare tool for benchmark group analysis | |
Learn about the Rank tool for benchmark group analysis | |
Learn about the Alerts tool for benchmark group analysis | |
Learn about the additional reporting components for companies in a benchmark group | |
Invite other users into your Fathom organisation to share insights |