Consolidating companies in Fathom
Fathom enables you to group related companies and easily perform consolidated analysis, generate forecasts, and create reports. These features enable you to create an aggregated view of both the financial and non-financial performance of a group of companies.
This is useful for organisations:
With multiple entities (up to 300 for single-currency consolidations, and up to 50 for multi-currency consolidations)
Seeking to consolidate financial (and/or non-financial) performance
Using different accounting systems
Reporting using either a consistent or inconsistent chart of accounts
Reporting in a single currency or multiple currencies (see this article for multi-currency consolidations)
❗ Notice: This article is for consolidated groups in which all companies in the consolidation use the same currency. For multi-currency consolidations, please see multi-currency consolidations.
Fathom will consolidate financial results by unifying accounts that have:
The same name and
The same Fathom classification.
Accounts from different companies that have these two elements in common will appear as a single account in the consolidated group and any associated amounts will be summed accordingly. Fathom does not consolidate accounts based on Account Code.
Accounts with different names or classifications, can be grouped in the Chart of Accounts with the use of headings. For a guide to creating headings see our Headings and Subheadings article.
KPIs and Budgets will ‘roll up’ from the underlying entities in the consolidated group for use within that group.
Create a consolidated group
Before you create a consolidated group, you must first ensure that you have imported each entity into Fathom. After all companies are imported, you can create a consolidated group.
💡Smart Tip: If you're an Advisor or Admin-level user on a Fathom account, you can follow and complete the Consolidation Checklist steps within Fathom. Launch the Consolidation Checklist
You will be taken to the consolidated group’s landing page. From here, you’ll be able to access the group’s Analysis, Reporting, Forecasting, and Settings as well as the Analysis, Reporting, Forecasting, and Settings for all of the underlying companies in the group.
💡Smart Tip: If you've set up the Chart of Accounts, KPI, Targets, and Alerts in another company or group, you can copy these over to quickly set up your new consolidated group.
Update & edit a group
Updating the group’s data
Please see our Updating a Consolidated Group article.
Adding companies to or removing them from the group
You can add companies to or remove them from a group on the consolidated group’s landing page. To add a company, select the green ‘+ Add company’ option. To remove a company, hover over the company and select the ‘three dot’ icon that appears on the right side of the screen. From the drop down menu, select ‘Remove’.
You can also add companies to and remove them from the group in ‘Step 1 - Update Data’ of the group’s Settings. You’ll find the options to add and remove companies by clicking the blue ‘manage group’ option that appears next to the list of member companies in the group.
📝 Note: You must have more than 2 companies in the group to be able to remove a company from the group.
Change the name of the group
In the upper left corner of the consolidated group’s landing page, you’ll see the name of the group listed. You can click on the group’s name to edit or type in a new name for the group.
Change the financial year of the group
To change the financial year of the group, go to the group’s Settings. In ‘Update Data’:
Next steps
Congratulations on creating your consolidated group! Continue the 'Consolidation Creation Workflow' and finish setting up your consolidated group for analysis, reporting, and forecasting by choosing from one of the next steps below:
What you want to do: | Next step in the setup process: |
Ready to begin setting up your Consolidated Group's Profile? | |
Happy with your profile and ready to set up the consolidated Chart of Accounts? |
Learn more