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Uploading your logo to Fathom

Import your firm or company logo into Fathom

Updated over a week ago


Branding Fathom

The Fathom dashboard (My Companies screen) and all reports (both online and PDF) can be customised with your logo and branding. Fathom supports a single Organisation logo, as well as individual company logos.

Adding an organisation logo

The logo added to 'Organisation Settings' will automatically replace the Fathom logo on your 'My Companies' home screen, as well as on all PDF reports downloaded from the analysis tools. It will also be available for use in white labelling any of your custom reports and templates.

You can find more information about white labelling your reports in this article.

To upload an organisation logo:

  1. From the black bar at the top of the 'My Companies' page, select the 'Cog/Gear' icon

  2. Choose 'Organisation Settings' from the drop down menu

  3. Select 'Organisation Profile'

  4. Select 'Upload logo'

  5. Choose a file to upload (all of the below requirements must be met):

    1. File Type: .png, .jpg or .svg file and

    2. File Size: Smaller than 256KB and

    3. Image Dimensions: Less than 300 x 150 pixels

  6. Select 'Save logo'

❗ Note: This setting is only available for 'Admin' level users. If you are not currently an 'Admin' user, you can request Admin access from your current Account Owner.

If you attempt to import your logo and you receive an error message, please confirm that the image you are attempting to import is a PNG, .jpg or .svg file type that is smaller than 256KB file size and dimensions less than 300 x 150 pixels in size. For specific assistance with SVG see our instructions below.

If you are working with multiple companies in your account, you can also upload a company-specific logo for each individual client or company file. The logo can be added to any report created for this specific company. This logo will not display on your dashboard (the 'My Companies' screen).

To upload a company logo:

  1. Click on the 'Settings' or 'Cog/Gear' icon for the individual company or consolidated group

  2. Go to 'Step 2 - Company/Group Profile'

  3. Select 'Add logo'

  4. Choose a file to upload (all of the below requirements must be met):

    1. File Type: .png, .jpg or .svg file and

    2. File Size: Smaller than 256KB and

    3. Image Dimensions: Less than 300 x 150 pixels

You can find more information about white labelling your reports in this article

If you need any assistance adding your own logo to Fathom, please contact our support team via the in-app messenger in the bottom right corner of the Fathom App, or via email.

If you are looking for white labelling beyond the free included features, we provide additional white labelling services to brand Fathom's online experience. This includes a custom-branded login portal, custom subdomain, custom-branded emails, and more. Please reach out to our support team at for more details.

Uploading SVG

Fathom will support your logo or avatar being uploaded in Scalable Vector Graphic (.svg) format.

If you encounter an error during upload please ensure that your SVG file does not contain any external links, ENTITY tags, or javascript.

Additionally, many SVG editing tools like Adobe Illustrator or Inkscape will generate an SVG that is unnecessarily large and this can have an adverse effect on the performance and size of your reports.

A helpful tool to simplify and minimise your SVG file or remove any external links is SVGOMG at

If, after using the tool above, you are still having trouble uploading your SVG, please contact our support team.

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