π Note: This article is about changing the date range for a company or group. To learn how to change the date range in a financial statement in reports, please see our 'Financial Statements & Tables in Reports' article.
Understanding Monthly, Quarterly, and Annual results
After importing your monthly results from your accounting system, you're able to view monthly, quarterly, or annual periods within the Analysis tools, Summary Reports, and Pro Reports.
π Note: Fathom does not currently provide daily or weekly reporting or custom reporting periods (e.g. 4-4-5 or 13 months) or specific date ranges (e.g. 15th of last month to 15th of this month).
Monthly periods are based on a standard calendar month. However, quarterly and annual periods within both Summary and Pro Reports are based on the financial year of the company in Fathom.
The starting month of your companyβs financial year in Fathom is determined by the financial year defined in your source accounting system (Xero, QuickBooks, Sage Business Cloud Accounting, or MYOB) or in cell B2 of your Excel import sheet.
How much data can I import?
π Note: You can see all of Fathom data limits in our βFathom Limitsβ article.
For companies on a Portfolio plan...
Fathom will automatically import up to 36 months of historic financial data starting from the most recently completed calendar month.
For companies on a Fathom Pro plan...
You can import a maximum of 8 years of data for your companies. For best performance, we recommend not importing more than 5 years of monthly data. This is long enough that you're able to view meaningful trends into the past while ensuring that Fathom's performance isn't affected.
If you have imported 8 years of data, Fathom will no longer allow you to update recent periods. You will need to delete some historical periods to allow further updates.
π‘Smart Tip: For cloud-sourced companies on a Fathom Pro plan you can enable Fathom to import Month-To-Date (MTD) results.
Your company's financial year
The financial/fiscal year for your company is defined in your accounting system (e.g. Xero, QuickBooks, MYOB, Sage, Excel).
For Xero, QuickBooks Online, and Sage Business Cloud users, you can change your financial year at any time. Simply change the financial year in the accounting system and update the company in Fathom.
For companies imported from MYOB, QuickBooks Desktop, Sage 50, or Excel, the financial year cannot be changed after the initial import into Fathom. If the financial year needs to be changed, then the company will have to be re-imported. For Fathom Pro plan companies, you can follow the process outlined in this article to help you copy your settings over to the new company.
Change the date range of financial results
βNotice: It is only possible to change the date range of financial results for companies on a Fathom Pro plan.
Portfolio plan companies, by default, will always import up to 36 months of historic data starting from the most recently completed calendar month, and this cannot be amended.
Remove earlier periods
You're able to remove data for earlier periods that you've already imported into Fathom for companies on a Fathom Pro plan.
This can be done from 'Update Data > Remove Periods' in the Fathom Pro company settings.
There are two options:
After and including - this will remove your most recent monthly data
Before and including - this will remove your earliest imported data
When selecting the 'before and including' option, it is important to note that you are deleting historical periods that will effectively change the starting date of your company data in Fathom.
βNotice: Unless your data is imported from Xero, QuickBooks Online, or Sage Business Cloud once the starting date of your data has been altered by removing historical periods, these periods cannot be re-added, except by deleting and re-importing the company to Fathom.
Import current month results (MTD)
By default, Fathom will automatically update your data to the nearest completed month. For example, on 28th March, Fathom's results will only import up to the nearest completed month, i.e. February.
However, when importing your data from Xero, QuickBooks Online, Sage Business Cloud, or MYOB AccountRight Live, for companies on a Fathom Pro plan you can choose instead to allow Fathom to automatically update your data to include the current month's results.
For more details, view our dedicated article on Automatic Updates.
View Monthly, Quarterly, and Yearly results
Monthly Results (and MTD)
When viewing the Analysis tools, the Insights Dashboard, Summary Reports, Pro Reports, and Forecasting you're able to view monthly results for any historical months that have been imported for the company.
For companies on a Fathom Pro plan, if you've imported the current month's results, you'll be able to select the current month to show MTD results.
Quarterly results (and QTD)
Within the Analysis tools, Summary Reports, Pro Reports, and Forecasting quarterly periods will be based on the financial year of your company. For example, if your financial year is from July - June, Q1 will encompass July - September results.
You can also choose to show quarter-to-date (QTD) results. This will show results for a partial quarter of your choosing. In the above example, you can show Q1 results (YTD) ending in August, which will show results for July to August.
Annual results (and YTD)
Within the Analysis tools, Summary Reports, Pro Reports, and Forecasting Annual periods will start on the first month of your company's financial year.
For YTD reporting, the results will include data from the first month of your financial year through the most recently imported/updated period in Fathom. You can also select the ending month to view partial year (YTD) results.
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