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Change your subscription plan

Upgrade or downgrade your Fathom subscription level

Updated over a week ago

How companies are added to your subscription

Companies can be added to your subscription plan(s) through an import or downgrade/upgrade of a company’s plan type.

Fathom Pro plans only include Fathom Pro companies. So, importing companies onto a Fathom Pro plan or upgrading Portfolio companies to Fathom Pro will increase your Fathom Pro company count.

Likewise, Portfolio plans only include Portfolio companies. So, importing companies onto a Portfolio plan or downgrading Fathom Pro companies to Portfolio will increase your Portfolio company count.

Learn more about the plan types and the features included in each from our ‘Fathom Pro v Portfolio’ article.

💡Smart Tip: Haven't subscribed to Fathom yet? See our 'Start a Fathom subscription' article.

When your subscription changes automatically

Move to a higher, more optimal Fathom Pro plan tier

Moving up Fathom Pro plan tiers will occur automatically to ensure you remain on the optimal plan as you add more Fathom Pro companies to your Fathom account.

The automatic movement occurs because Fathom Pro plans are staggered—you can add additional companies to your Fathom Pro plan at a per-company rate. When it’s more beneficial to move into the higher tier than to pay for the additional companies at the lower tier, Fathom automatically moves you into the higher tier.

Example: Your Fathom organisation is subscribed to a Fathom Pro ‘Starter’ plan. You add a sixth Fathom Pro company to your Fathom organisation. You will automatically be moved up to the Fathom Pro 'Silver' tier on your next billing date, as it will be a lower monthly cost for the same number of Fathom Pro companies.

When you must confirm a subscription change

Your first Portfolio company gets added

If you add a Portfolio company to your Fathom organisation for the first time, you will receive a warning that your Portfolio plan is increasing. You will be moving from the ‘None’ Portfolio tier to a higher tier, dependent on the number of Portfolio companies.

Before adding the Portfolio company or companies, the user must confirm the selection

The Account Owner will receive an email that the Portfolio plan tier has moved up to a higher tier. Only the Account Owner will be told the amount of the increase; other users will only be informed that the plan level is increasing and billing will be impacted.

Example: Your Fathom organisation is on a Fathom Pro ‘Silver’ plan and a ‘None’ Portfolio plan. You add Portfolio companies to your Fathom organisation for the first time. You are asked to confirm that you want to increase your Portfolio plan tier. The Account Owner will receive an email informing them of this change.

📝 Note: If the Account Owner makes this change, they will be told the exact amount of the increase when confirming. They will not receive a follow-up confirmation email.

Move to a higher-tier Portfolio plan

When your Portfolio company count goes beyond your Portfolio plan tier, you will receive a warning that your Portfolio plan is increasing. You will be moved to the Portfolio tier that corresponds to your new Portfolio company count.

Before adding the Portfolio company or companies, the user must confirm the selection

The Account Owner will receive an email that the Portfolio plan tier has moved up to a higher tier. Only the Account Owner will be told the amount of the increase; other users will only be informed that the plan level is increasing and billing will be impacted.

Example: Your Fathom organisation is on a Fathom Pro ‘Gold’ plan and a ‘100 company’ Portfolio plan. There are 100 Portfolio companies in your organisation. You downgrade a Fathom Pro company to a Portfolio plan. This will bring your Portfolio company count to 101. You are asked to confirm that you want to increase your Portfolio plan tier. The Account Owner will receive an email informing them of this change.

📝 Note: If the Account Owner makes this change, they will be told the exact amount of the increase when confirming. They will not receive a follow-up confirmation email.

When the Account Owner must change the plan

Your first Fathom Pro company gets added

If your Fathom organisation is subscribed to a ‘Portfolio Only’ Fathom Pro plan, the Account Owner must switch to a higher Fathom Pro plan (at least a ‘Starter’ plan) before the first Fathom Pro company can be added to your Fathom organisation.

The Account Owner is usually the user who signed up for the Fathom subscription.

Switch to a lower-tier Fathom Pro or Portfolio plan

Downgrades do not occur automatically, as users often wish to retain available company slots even when they delete or change the plan type for a company in their Fathom organisation.

Therefore, if you delete or change a company’s plan type to decrease the amount of billable companies on your subscription plan(s), you will want to change your subscription plan(s) as well.

How to change your subscription plan

Fathom billing occurs once a month, and you can change your subscription plan(s) any time before the next billing date.

Only the 'Account Owner' has the necessary permissions to access the 'Account/Billing' page to manually change the Fathom subscription. The Account Owner is usually the user who signed up for the Fathom subscription.

💡 Smart Tip: Account ownership can be easily transferred from the Account Owner to any other Admin on a Fathom account.

💡 Smart Tip: If you haven't signed up for a Fathom subscription, please see our ‘Start a Fathom subscription’ article.

To change your Fathom subscription:

  1. From the 'My Companies' page, select the Cog/Gear icon in the upper right corner on the top black bar

  2. From the drop-down, select Account/Billing

  3. Under the Account tab, select Change my plan

  4. Choose a new plan. You can view a cost breakdown that includes both subscription plans by selecting that option on the left sidebar.

  5. Select the green Next button

  6. Review your changes and select Change plan

Notice: If you are downgrading your Fathom plan, you will first need to delete any companies that you do not wish to include in your Fathom subscription. You can also upgrade or downgrade companies to change their plan type and which plan they count towards.

Custom Plans

If you've been given a custom plan code, then you will have the opportunity to enter that code once you've selected Change plan:

  1. Check the I have a custom plan option

  2. Enter the code provided to you

  3. Select Apply code

  4. Select the green Next button

  5. Review the changes and select Change plan

Learn more

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