Use assumptions to add commentary to your forecast decisions
As you edit or create new value rules, timing profiles, or drivers, you can add commentary to them. This allows you to note why you chose that particular value rule or timing profile for an account, heading, or classification in your main forecast, a scenario, or a microforecast. You can also note how you’ve calculated or sourced your driver values in your main forecast or a scenario.
These forecast assumptions allow you to document and explain the most critical decisions you have made when generating your forecast and help to generate buy-in for the resulting numbers.
You can also include these notes or forecast assumptions in a Fathom report.
Create an assumption
To add a note or assumption for a value rule or timing profile:
To add a note or assumption to a driver:
Because you can set value rules & timing profiles in your scenarios and microforecasts that differ from your main forecast, you’re also able to add assumptions notes for value rules & timing profiles in scenarios & microforecasts, as well as for drivers values in scenarios.
💡Smart Tip: Any assumptions that do not have the option ‘Include in assumptions’ report checked will not be able to appear in reports and will only be visible to users with editing capabilities in the forecast.
Include assumptions in a report
You have a few options to include assumptions in your report. You can simply add an assumptions table from the forecasting tables options, or you can add an entire page of several assumptions-related tables to your report.
An Assumptions Table can be filtered to display the assumptions for the main forecast or a scenario. You are also able to filter the table to display ‘Profit & Loss’ assumptions, ‘Drivers’ assumptions, or assumptions made in a microforecast. Profit & Loss assumptions will detail any value rule, timing profile, and tax rule assumptions you have made in your main forecast or scenario.
Assumptions need to have the ‘Include in assumptions report’ option checked in the forecast for them to appear in the assumptions table.
To add an assumptions table to a report:
Alternatively, you can add an 'Assumptions Page' to your report. This will add a section with multiple tables to your report, including:
Assumptions Table: This table will default to display the value rule, timing profile, and tax assumptions made in your main forecast. The table can be edited after being added to the report by hovering over the table and selecting the green ‘Pencil’ icon in the top right corner of the table.
Drivers Table: Displays any drivers or non-financial metrics that you’ve added to the forecast and their values. This table defaults to display all of the drivers in the main forecast. The table can be edited once added to the report.
Adjustments: Any adjustments made in ‘Update Data’ in the company Settings.
To add an Assumptions Page to a report:
❗Notice: If an assumption is not documented in the reports, return to the forecast main grid to ensure that the option to ‘Include in assumptions report’ has been checked for the assumption.
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