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Account Classifications

The standard account mapping or classifications used in Fathom

Updated over a week ago

Fathom has classifications and sub-classifications for accounts. For example, Expense is a classification, while Variable Expenses and Fixed Expenses are both sub-classifications.

Account classifications determine how Fathom calculates financial totals and sub-totals.

When you import financials from Excel, you'll need to designate the classification code for each account. The classification code is a three or four-letter code. For example, REV is the classification code for Revenue.

Fathom does its best to map accounts to the correct classification when importing financial data from a non-Excel source accounting system. For companies on a Fathom Pro plan, you can re-classify accounts on the Chart of Accounts in Fathom.

The account classifications that underpin financial results and KPI analysis in Fathom are:

Profit & Loss


Revenue (REV)
Income from normal business operations (excluding abnormal income and interest)


Variable COS (VCOS)
Variable costs that increase or decrease closely in proportion to revenue

Fixed COS  (FCOS)
Fixed costs that do not vary directly in proportion to revenue 

Depreciation (DEP)
Costs for which no cash was paid


Variable Expenses (VEXP)
Expenses that increase or decrease closely in proportion to revenue

Fixed Expenses (FEXP)
Expenses that do not vary directly in proportion to revenue

Depreciation & Amortisation (DA)
Expenses for which no cash was paid


Interest Income (IINC)
Interest from investments

Other Income (AINC)
Abnormal income (ie. FX gains, rental income, profit from the sale of fixed assets)


Interest Expenses (IEXP)
Payments for borrowings (for short term and long term debt)

Tax Expenses (TEXP)
Profits paid to the taxation authorities

Dividends (DIV)
Profits paid to the shareholders

Adjustments (ADJ)
Other adjustments to retained earnings

Other Expenses (OEXP)
Miscellaneous expenses

Balance Sheet


Cash & Equivalents (CASH)
Cash and liquid investments which can easily be converted into cash 

Accounts Receivable (AR)
Amounts due from customers for products and services provided on credit 

Inventory (INV)
Raw materials and finished goods 

Work in Progress (WIP)
Goods and/or services that are works in process

Other Current Assets (OCA)
All other short-term assets (ie. prepayments)


Fixed Assets (FA)
The value of fixed assets (ie land, buildings, plant and equip) less accum. depreciation

Intangible Assets (IA)
Assets which do not have a physcial presence (ie goodwill, patents, licenses)

Investments & Other NCA (ONCA)
All other long-term assets (ie. shares in associated companies)


Short Term Debt (STD)
Includes overdrafts and interest bearing debt which is due within one year 

Accounts Payable (AP)
Amounts owed to suppliers for products and services purchased on credit 

Tax Liability (TL)
Income tax that must be paid within one year 

Other Current Liabilities (OCL)
All other short-term liabilities (including accruals and other tax liabilities) 


Long Term Debt (LTD)
Interest bearing long-term loans (more than one year) 

Deferred Taxes (DTAX)
Future income taxes 

Other Non-Current Liabilities (ONCL)
All other long-term liabilities


Retained Earnings (RE)
Amounts retained by the company 

Current Earnings (CE)
Current year profits retained by the company 

Other Equity (OEQ)
All other forms of equity (ie share capital, capital reserves, minorities

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