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Share reports

How to share your Fathom reports, including with other users or companies

Updated over 3 weeks ago

Download a PDF of your Fathom Reports

You can download PDF versions of both Fathom Pro Reports and Summary Reports.

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To download a Fathom Report:

  1. When in a Summary Report or Pro Report,

  2. Select the Download / Cloud icon from the bottom of the left sidebar.

  3. The report will be downloaded as a PDF, which you can share.

For Pro Reports, you can also download a PDF copy from within the ‘Drafts’ or ‘Published’ section of the Pro Report Centre. Hover over the report name and select the Download / Cloud icon that appears.

💡Smart Tip: Before downloading a PDF of a Pro Report, check the report’s ‘Print Settings’ to ensure all of the customisations chosen for the online report also appear in the print version of the report.

Further options for sharing Fathom Pro Reports

There are several additional ways to share Pro Reports, accessible to companies on a Fathom Pro plan, and enable collaboration, including:

Publish Pro Reports Online

When a Pro Report is ready to share with ‘client’ or 'viewer' users in your account, the report can then be published.

Once a report is published, it will remain dynamic. This means that any changes to your financial or non-financial data will be reflected in the report as updates are made in Fathom.

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To publish a report:

  1. Head to the 'Drafts' section of the Reports Centre

  2. Hover over the report name and select the Three dots icon that appears on the right side of the report row

  3. From the drop-down menu, select the 'Publish' option

  4. You can choose to send an email notification that the report has been published to everyone or a select group of users.

  5. Click ‘Publish report'.

Notice: The email notification informs the user that a new report has been created and prompts them to log in to view or download the report. It does not send the report via email.

Enable Comments on a report

By allowing comments on a report, you can enable and encourage collaboration or questions. Comments can be enabled on ‘draft’ or ‘published’ reports.

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Notice: Comments added to a ‘draft’ report will still be viewable once a report is published and will be viewable to anyone who has permission to view the online published report.

To enable comments on a report:

  1. In the report, select the Cog/Gear icon from the left sidebar. This will open the report’s Settings menu.

  2. In the menu, head to the Conversations section and check the option to 'allow comments to be added to the online report'.

  3. Select ‘Apply changes’.

📝 Note: While comments can be enabled on a draft report, the report must be in ‘Preview’ mode to leave and view comments. You can select the black ‘Preview’ option in the upper right corner of a report to access the ‘Preview’ mode.

Once comments have been enabled, anyone with permission to view the report will be able to leave a comment.

To leave a comment on a report:

  1. Hover over a report component (e.g. a chart or a table) and click the Chat bubble icon that appears in the upper right corner of the component.

  2. Type a comment in the text box which appears in the 'Comments' window

  3. Click 'Post comment'

  4. From here you can also edit or delete a comment:

    1. Select the Three dots icon that appears to the right of the comment.

    2. From the drop-down menu, select the appropriate option.

View comments

When a comment has been added to a report, the Bell icon in the top black bar of the ‘My Companies’ page will have a red dot next to it. Select the Bell icon to see a list of comments and published Pro Reports.

If you are in a published report or in ‘Preview’ mode for a draft report, any Chat bubbles with comments will have a number next to them showing the number of comments left on that associated reporting component.

Notice: Comments added to a ‘draft’ report will still be viewable once a report is published and will be viewable to anyone who has permission to view the online published report.

Copying a Pro Report to other companies in your Fathom account

Custom reports can be turned into templates to be shared with other companies in your Fathom account. To learn more about copying reports to other companies, please see our article on ‘Templates’.

Next steps

Congratulations on sharing your report!

For more efficient reporting, you can create a custom template from your Pro Report to allow you to instantly generate the same report for a new period in the future. You're also able to schedule reports to be generated from custom templates.

What you want to do:

Where to go next:

Create a custom template out of your report

Schedule future reports to be created automatically

Invite others into your Fathom account to share insights

Begin forecasting in Fathom

Learn more

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