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Troubleshoot MYOB AccountRight Import Issues and FAQs
Troubleshoot MYOB AccountRight Import Issues and FAQs

Issues or errors when importing from MYOB AccountRight to Fathom via the Desktop Connector

Updated over a month ago

Notice: This article details common questions and import issues for MYOB AccountRight. If you are unable to download or launch the Fathom Desktop Connector, please see our 'Troubleshooting the Fathom Desktop Connector' article.

Version errors and import issues

Each MYOB AccountRight file has a company file version which initially is the version of MYOB the file was created with. You can see the version by opening your library browser in AccountRight and hovering over the file name. If your AccountRight file is stored online, then MYOB requires it to be no more than three versions behind the most recent version of AccountRight.

If you encounter this issue, you will need to first ensure your AccountRight desktop client is upgraded to the latest version and then open your company file. You will be prompted to upgrade the company file.

You may encounter the following import issues or situations with your MYOB version:

Some other common questions include:

Import Error Troubleshooting

The MYOB AccountRight company version is not supported by the installed MYOB Add-On Connector

To receive this message you will be using the Fathom Desktop Connector, either on your own PC or remotely on a server. You need to ensure that either your PC or the remote server is running a version of the MYOB Add-On connector that is equal or greater to the company file version identified in the error message.

MYOB provides an article that demonstrates how to install, upgrade, and troubleshoot the MYOB Add-On Connector. An additional document details some common errors and resolutions with the MYOB Add-On connector.

Unable to connect to the MYOB API service. Please ensure the API service is running on your PC.

If you receive this error it means the MYOB Add-On Connector is not installed properly. MYOB provides an article that demonstrates how to install and troubleshoot the MYOB Add-On Connector.

I’m seeing extra periods after importing or the wrong period range

During the import process, Fathom examines all the transactions within the MYOB company to determine the date range to import. If you are seeing extra periods in the future (i.e. Jan 2022) it may be due to an errant transaction that is recorded against that month.

You should remove or fix the incorrect transactions in MYOB. To track down future-dated transactions, you can use the MYOB Company Data Auditor for AccountRight Live or the MYOB Company Data Auditor for AccountRight v19 to track down future-dated transactions.

You can also remove the extra periods in Fathom by going to 'Step 1 - Update Data' of the company settings and clicking 'Remove Periods'.

Still unable to connect?

Feel free to contact our support team using the support chat option or via email at


Can I use Fathom with AccountRight v19 and earlier?

To access earlier AccountRight files Fathom requires the corresponding ODBC driver to be installed on your system.

The connector will automatically detect if you do not have the correct ODBC driver installed. In this case, download and install the ODBC driver that corresponds with your MYOB file.

What permissions does a user require to import from a MYOB AccountRight desktop file?

The MYOB user used during an import must have full access to the MYOB file. You can check this in MYOB under 'Settings > Preferences > Security > User IDs'.

I've switched or upgraded between AccountRight v19, AccountRight Live 2013+ Desktop, and/or AccountRight Live 2013+ Cloud. Can I update my file in Fathom?

There are significant differences in implementation between these versions of AccountRight. Unfortunately, we do not support upgrading your existing Fathom company once you have changed versions.

To ensure you retain as much of your company setup as possible while changing your MYOB source, please see our ‘Changing data sources’ article for a step-by-step process of switching over.

What if I have a really large MYOB file?

The Fathom Desktop Connector does not upload your entire MYOB file. It will simply extract the primary financial statements (i.e., the Profit and Loss Statement and Balance Sheet) from your MYOB file and securely upload this data only.

Learn more

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