Yes, you can
Yes, the main forecast or a scenario can be saved as an individual company's full budget or as part of a company's budget. There are two ways to save your forecast as the company budget in Fathom.
Why can't I save the forecast as the budget?
You cannot save a consolidated group's forecast as the group's budget. The budget for the consolidated group will always roll up from the underlying entities in the group.
If you have imported divisional budgets for a QuickBooks Online or Xero company, then it is not possible to save the forecast as the budget for the company. You must remove the divisional budget data before being able to save the forecast as the budget.
If you have imported budgets for multiple financial years for a QuickBooks Online company, it is also not possible to save the forecast as the budget. You must remove budget data so that you only have one financial year imported before you can save the forecast as the budget.
Saving from the forecasting grid
From within forecasting, you can:
📝 Note: The 'Replacement Options' in the screenshot above will only appear if you have imported an existing budget from your source accounting system or Excel. They will not appear if there is no existing imported budget or the budget is already sourced from the forecast.
Save from the company's Settings
You can also save your forecast as your budget from within 'Update Data' in your company's Settings. To do this:
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