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Alerts Dashboard

Stay on top of downward trends in the business by viewing your alerts dashboard for a benchmark group.

Updated over a month ago


Understanding the Alerts Dashboard

The Alerts Dashboard helps to monitor key performance alerts for all companies in a benchmark group. This tool presents a dashboard which helps to identify companies that may be experiencing areas of financial stress.

  • A red dot indicates that an alert has been triggered.

  • A grey dot represents that an alert is measured (you have set an alert for that metric on that company) but is not currently triggered. An alert is triggered when a result for a KPI exceeds the set alert threshold within the company.

  • KPIs with no dots indicated, have not been configured within the underlying companies. To include alerts for these KPIs, you will need to turn them ‘on’ in the underlying companies. Alerts for each company are configured in 'Step 6 - Set Alerts' of the company settings.

  • The number of alerts that have been triggered across the analysis are displayed in the top right.

Sorting the Alerts Dashboard

At the top of the alerts dashboard, you’ll see a bolded option that is a variable selector. By clicking on the variable selector, you’ll reveal a dropdown menu.

You can choose to show ‘All Companies’ in the benchmarking group, or click and select to see only ‘Companies with Alerts’ to narrow the scope of the dashboard.

Interacting with the dashboard

Hovering over a red dot will reveal a 'tool-tip' which shows the result and alert threshold. For further drill-down detail on the company's performance, along with benchmark analysis, click on any red or grey dot to see how the KPI has performed.

Next steps

Congratulations on becoming familiar with the alerts dashboard! You can learn about the other benchmarking analysis tools or the reporting options by choosing from one of the next steps below:

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Next step in setup process:

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