Modelling inventory orders and useage
In Fathom, you’re able to model inventory or stock purchases and usage with journals and/or timing profiles. There are two main methods of modelling inventory in your forecast:
Bulk or batch ordering in advance
To forecast making large orders of inventory or stock, you can model the inventory purchases with journals and the inventory reductions with timing profiles.
To model the purchase of inventory with a journal:
Now that you’ve modelled the purchase of inventory, you can model the usage or reduction of inventory through timing profiles with the correct account settings. To do this:
You’ve now modelled the reduction or usage of inventory.
To check the impact of the timing profile and journal you’ve created, you can click on the ‘Three dot’ icon next to the timing profile and choose the ‘Preview’ option to view how the timing profile impacts the Balance Sheet. You’re also able to view the Balance Sheet layer detail for the Inventory account to see the impacts of the Profit and Loss on that account.
💡Smart Tip: Because the Inventory account on the Balance Sheet is consistently being reduced by the Cost of Sales account posting to it, you're able to see when the Inventory account will eventually reduce into negative values. This will help you identify when your next large inventory purchase should be.
Just in time ordering
You may want to forecast purchases of inventory made just before the inventory is used or sold. This method of inventory purchasing is often preferred for perishable items. You can model just in time ordering with timing profiles and specific account settings. To do this:
You’ve now modelled the purchase and reduction or usage of inventory.
To check the impact of the timing profile you’ve created, you can click on the ‘Three dot’ icon next to the timing profile and choose the ‘Preview’ option to view how the timing profile impacts the Balance Sheet. You’re also able to view the Balance Sheet layer detail for the Inventory account to see the impacts of the Profit and Loss on that account.