Within the Fathom forecast balance sheet, you are able to fully reconcile the running total of a Balance Sheet account within a particular layer (e.g. within the baseline, or within a particular microforecast). Generally, balance sheet accounts will carry forward with the same value unless changed.
There are 3 ways that balance sheet accounts change in a Fathom Forecast:
From P&L Accounts
From Balance Sheet schedule lines
These sections are visible in the new Balance Sheet Layer Detail View - which shows movements over time for a single balance sheet account:
Opening balance
Movements from P&L accounts
Movements from schedule lines
Movements from journals
Closing balance
The ‘Balance Sheet Layer Detail’ grid fully reconciles the opening and closing balance sheet value for a balance sheet account (within a particular layer). This is particularly handy when reconciling accounts like Cash and Accounts Receivable.
View the balance sheet layer detail
To access the balance layer detail:
Navigate to the Balance Sheet in the main grid
Click on a cell for the account you want to audit
From the properties menu that opens on the right, select the Baseline
Click the ‘Magnifying Glass’ icon in the top right corner to view all of the impacts on the account. This audit screen also details custom journals that impact this Balance Sheet account as well as the impact of any schedules that have been set up.
💡Smart Tip: If you select a microforecast associated with the account instead of the ‘Baseline’, you will be taken to the microforecast where you can view all of the movements associated with that particular microforecast.
Balance Sheet Account Detail in a Microforecast
Within a Microforecast we allow you to expand each Balance Sheet account to view the overall impact of items to the closing and opening balances. You can access this view by:
Hovering over the specific balance sheet account in the microforecast
Selecting ‘expand’
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