Why are the values rounded in my PDF report but not in my online report?
In the online version of a Fathom report, there is more space compared to the PDF version of a report. This means that some values may need to be rounded to display properly in the PDF version of a report.
For example, the online report may have $1,450,000 listed for Net Income. In the PDF version, the value would be rounded to $1.45M instead.
To prevent the rounding of values in the PDF version of a report, the font size will automatically be decreased for an impacted table or financial statement. If the entire value still cannot be displayed after the font size is decreased, then the impacted values will be rounded.
Ensure the values match in the PDF and online versions of Pro Reports
For Pro Reports, there are two solutions you can use to ensure the values in the PDF and online version match exactly:
What if I don't want the numbers to be rounded in the PDF report?
Changing the section orientation to 'Landscape' instead of 'Portrait' will sometimes resolve rounding issues and allow the unrounded values to be displayed in the PDF report.
To change the orientation of a section,
In some instances, there may still not be enough room to display the unrounded values in the PDF version of a report.
If the values must be rounded in the PDF report due to space limitations, then you can round the numbers in the online version of the report as well so that the values in the two reports match exactly.
Round the values in the online report
To round the values in a table or financial statement so the online and PDF versions of a Pro Report match exactly:
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