Previous Trial
If you’ve had a trial of Fathom which has since expired, and you attempt to log in to, you will encounter the screen below. This screen prompts you to subscribe to Fathom to continue using the software.
❗Notice: If your Account/Billing page does not look like this, please see this article. We are slowly releasing a new version of our Account/Billing page, and you're likely on the other version. Both versions are secure.
If you would like another chance to evaluate and explore Fathom, you can reach out to our Customer Success team and request to reset your email address and start a new trial. You can get in touch by emailing or using Fathom’s in-app messenger located in the bottom right of the Fathom application.
Previous Subscription
If you’ve had a paid subscription of Fathom in the past which was cancelled for any reason, and you attempt to log in to, you will not be able to log in to your previous Fathom account. To maintain the security and data privacy of our users, Fathom automatically erases all company-related data 30 days after a Fathom account is cancelled.
If your account was previously cancelled, you will need to start a new Fathom account. First, please reach out to our Customer Success team to reset your email address by emailing or using Fathom’s in-app messenger located in the bottom right.